Shyam VNL

DCPW International Experience Sharing Conclave on BB-PPDR Network 2024 and Exhibition at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi

Shyam VNL exhibited its Innovative ResQMobil solution – Search & Rescue Mobile Locator and Emergency communication system is an ultimate tactical life-saving solution designed for emergencies, disasters, and crisis at the International Experience Sharing Conclave on Broadband-Public Protection and Disaster Relief (BB-PPDR) Network 2024 and Exhibition.  The event was held at the Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on 13th March 2024.

This state-of-the-art technology is highly effective and efficient in locating individuals impacted by natural disasters or those not responding.

Our cutting-edge system empowers operators to command a subscriber’s phone, broadcasting its location. This allows tactical and rescue teams to swiftly track and locate individuals in need. Rest assured, the system prioritizes privacy by providing access to device identifiers only, ensuring complete confidentiality for all parties involved.

Some of the benefits of our ResQMobil system are:-

  1. Identity Catching: Extracts unique identifiers of registered cellular devices in the disaster area.
  2. Presence Detection: Generates automatic alerts upon detection of pre-defined targets or victims.
  3. Exact Location Finding of the Victim (Last Mile Positioning): Utilizing CDL (Cellular Device Locator), our system can pinpoint the exact location of the victim with 1-meter accuracy, facilitating swift and precise rescue operations. Unlike traditional systems, CDL is a field proven, to be extremely fast and accurate, requiring just one person to locate a victim.
  4. SMS Broadcast: Send pre-defined text messages to all mobile phones in the vicinity, ensuring effective communication during critical situations.
  5. Standalone System: Operate without immediate connectivity or assistance from mobile operators, providing independence and reliability in any scenario.