Shyam VNL

Mobile Communication & Intelligence

In the age of digital connectivity, Instant, reliable and innovative communication solutions have become the backbone of national security, communities and industries around the world. Shyam VNL, with its reputation as a leading name in Mobile wireless communication sector, understands this paradigm like no other. We present a spectrum of advanced mobile communication and intelligence solutions tailored to meet the evolving needs of modern governments, Critical Infrastructure, Disaster authorities and large enterprises & Ranches.

Our suite of offerings seamlessly integrates the latest technological advancements with the field proven principles of communication. SHYAM VNL is at the forefront of ensuring uninterrupted connectivity in remote regions, providing state-of-the-art tools for intelligence and surveillance, or enabling businesses to reach their full potential with bespoke communication systems,

We invite you to explore our offerings and witness first-hand how SHYAM VNL is reshaping the future of mobile communication and intelligence.

Mobile Phone Denial & detection

Mobile Phone Service Denial & Detection System (MPDDS) by Shyam VNL: A Comprehensive Security Solution

In strategic locations and sensitive campuses, the unauthorized use of mobile phones poses a significant security threat. Shyam VNL’s Mobile Phone Service Denial & Detection System (MPDDS) ensures an uncompromised security environment by detecting all powered-on mobile devices in designated areas, completely independent of the mobile operators.

  1. Rapid Deployment: MPDDS can be swiftly set up, ensuring that security measures are in place without delay.
  2. Broad Detection Spectrum: The system recognizes mobile phones in any state – whether they’re idle, on a call, or engaged in data sessions.
  3. Innovative Design: The system is composed of a multi-band, multi-technology MPDS unit connected to a multi-band multi-port directional antenna. This ensures a wide detection range, capturing signals from various mobile technologies.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: Equipped with an integrated processing unit, MPDDS can be accessed from any external laptop through a web-based GUI, ensuring easy control and monitoring.
  5. Durable and Versatile: Designed to operate in sheltered outdoor environments, the MPDDS runs efficiently on direct DC48V sourced from Shyam VNL’s Power Pack or an AC-DC Adapter.


Target Applications of MPDDS:

  • Airforce Station Entries: MPDDS can be portably positioned or permanently affixed at the entry gates of Airforce Stations, ensuring the security of such strategic points.
  • Hangar Entries & Vulnerable Areas: Monitor and control unauthorized mobile usage at critical aircraft hangar entry points.
  • Incident Response & Intelligence Gathering: In situations that require rapid response or intelligence collection, MPDDS can provide invaluable information about mobile activity in the area.
  • Facilities with Restricted Mobile Usage: In zones where mobile use is restricted, like research labs or secure data centres, MPDDS can be a crucial tool to enforce communication protocols.


  • Fast Acquisition: Immediate detection of active mobile devices.
  • Rapid Deployment: Suitable for both planned and emergent situations.
  • Remote Operation: Control and monitoring from a distance for enhanced safety and flexibility.
  • Thin Backhaul: Minimized backend data requirements, ensuring system reliability.
  • Standalone and Networked Operation: Adaptable for diverse settings, from individual checkpoints to extensive security grids.